
Logs for my placement at Eli Lilly and Co, 2017-2018

View the Project on GitHub hjfitz/Placement-Logs

Monday 28 August, 2017

Work Carried Out

Tuesday 29 August, 2017

Work Carried Out

Tuesday focused on the continuation of the sprint; It was a day of coding. It mostly involved reviewing pull requests from the previous day - with the added extra that we, the students were reviewing them, and not our supervisor.

The day also included a discussion about the future of the current project - because it was going to change significantly. This involved discussing the new direction of the project, as well as the new UI. Because the new UI was so significant, discussions had to be held to extend the deadline of the project.

Wednesday 30 August, 2017

Work Carried Out

Today was continuation of the sprint, as well as getting the final requirements of the new direction of the project set in stone. After this was done, a poker planning session was complete.

It wasn’t all project related work though. A graduate student had an issue with some code that he was writing, and so I offered to help, and create a new app with him, developing it in a fresh, scalable framework. The first beta of this project had been completed by the end of the day.

The general architecture of this project is something that I think the team will like - there’s a focus on acceleration of projects here. I’m planning to put it foreward to a higher-up.
