
Logs for my placement at Eli Lilly and Co, 2017-2018

View the Project on GitHub hjfitz/Placement-Logs

Monday 21 August, 2017

Work Carried Out

Met with people from other department to start work on new side project. Issue arose with ordering incorrect component. Consolidated and worked towards solution for side project.

Spent time helping out co-worker with some broken code - fixed ready for testing.

Showed teammate from side-project basic Git setup, for use later on down the line.

Knowledge/Experience Gained or Applied

Tuesday 22 August, 2017

Work Carried Out

Completed outstanding items on kanboard ready for usability testing. Met with product owner for current sprint and participated in a sprint review, listing points that follow under the following categories:

Knowledge/Experience Gained or Applied

Wednesday 23 August, 2017

Work Carried Out

Today, I finished off some of the smaller parts of coding for this sprint. I added some minor tweaks to the overall look of the product, and had my code/look reviewed by my peers. We met the deadline and merged the code in to the Develop branch.

In the afternoon, I met with a manager, Rhys, from another part of Lilly, Elanco. This was to discuss requirements for MVP of a new secret project. This involved both software and hardware requirements. After I had elicited these, I put in a request for a Git repository for this product, and set up a meeting to give him a crash course on AJAX and Git.

Knowledge/Experience Gained or Applied

Thursday 24th August, 2017

Today was setup and planning for the next sprint. This involved going through a Kanboard that was populated with user requirements, and transferring those in to functional requirements. After we had our functional requirements, it was a case of talking about each requirement, and then voting as a group on their complexity. This complexity was based on a few aspects:

  1. The difficulty of coding this requirement.
  2. The time/effort it should take to program the component. After this, we began sprint number 4.

Friday 25th August, 2017

Friday involved continuation with the sprint. This involved writing code to close off github issues, and creating a number of pull requests. Because we’re using an agile methodology for our software development, we had an end of week review - with our manager, scrum master and product owners attending. In this, we showcased a before, and after of the product to everyone present, talking about what went well, and what went poorly. Because it was partly a standup, we went over traditional Scrum topics, such as roadblocks, what we’ve done and what we intent to do.
